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What You Need to Know About the Bear Grylls Priorities of Survival Pocket Guide PDF

Bear Grylls Priorities of Survival Pocket Guide PDF: A Handy Resource for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Do you love exploring the great outdoors? Do you enjoy camping, hiking, hunting, or fishing? Do you want to learn how to survive in any environment and situation? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need the Bear Grylls Priorities of Survival Pocket Guide PDF.


The Bear Grylls Priorities of Survival Pocket Guide PDF is a digital version of the printed booklet that comes with every Bear Grylls knife. It contains essential information and tips on how to survive in the wilderness, based on the experience and expertise of Bear Grylls, the famous adventurer and TV host.

In this article, we will review the contents of the guide and show you how it can help you prepare for your next outdoor adventure. We will also provide you with a link where you can download the PDF for free. So, let's get started!

The Six Survival Priorities

The guide is divided into six sections, each covering one of the six survival priorities. These are:

  • Protection

  • Rescue

  • Water

  • Fire

  • Food

  • First Aid

Each section explains why the priority is important, what are the challenges and dangers involved, and how to overcome them using simple and practical techniques. Let's take a look at each priority in more detail.


The first priority is protection. This means protecting yourself from the elements, such as extreme heat, cold, wind, rain, snow, or sun. Exposure to these elements can cause dehydration, hypothermia, frostbite, sunburn, or heatstroke, which can be fatal if not treated quickly.

To protect yourself from the elements, you need to find or make a shelter. A shelter is any structure that provides insulation, ventilation, and concealment. It can be made from natural materials, such as branches, leaves, grasses, or rocks, or from man-made materials, such as tarps, blankets, or plastic bags.

The guide shows you how to choose a suitable location for your shelter, how to construct different types of shelters for different environments and seasons, and how to improve your shelter with additional features, such as insulation, fireplaces, or camouflage.


The second priority is rescue. This means getting out of the survival situation and back to civilization as soon as possible. The longer you stay in the wilderness, the more risks and challenges you will face, and the less likely you will be found by rescuers.

To get rescued, you need to signal for help and navigate to safety. Signaling for help is any method of attracting the attention of potential rescuers, such as airplanes, helicopters, boats, or people. It can be done using visual, auditory, or electronic means, such as fires, smoke, mirrors, flags, whistles, flares, or radios.

Navigating to safety is any method of finding your way out of the wilderness and towards a populated area, such as a road, a town, or a landmark. It can be done using natural or artificial clues, such as the sun, the stars, the wind, the rivers, or maps, compasses, or GPS devices.

The guide shows you how to make and use different types of signals and navigation tools, how to determine your location and direction, and how to plan your route and travel safely.


The third priority is water. This means staying hydrated and preventing dehydration. Dehydration is the loss of water and electrolytes from your body due to sweating, breathing, urinating, or vomiting. It can cause headaches, dizziness, weakness, confusion, or death if not replenished quickly.

To stay hydrated, you need to find and purify water sources. Water sources are any places where you can collect fresh water, such as streams, lakes, ponds, springs, or snow. Purifying water is any method of removing harmful contaminants from water, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemicals. It can be done using physical or chemical means, such as boiling, filtering, distilling, or adding bleach or iodine.

The guide shows you how to locate and identify water sources in different environments and seasons, how to collect and store water efficiently and safely, and how to purify water using different methods and materials.


```html Fire

The fourth priority is fire. This means creating and maintaining a fire for warmth, light, cooking, signaling, and protection. Fire can help you stay warm and dry, cook food and purify water, signal for help and deter predators, and boost your morale and confidence.

To create and maintain a fire, you need three elements: fuel, oxygen, and heat. Fuel is any material that can burn, such as wood, grass, leaves, or paper. Oxygen is the air that supports combustion. Heat is the energy that ignites the fuel, such as sparks, flames, or sunlight.

The guide shows you how to gather and prepare different types of fuel, how to arrange them in different fire structures, such as tepee, lean-to, or log cabin, and how to ignite them using different methods and tools, such as matches, lighters, flint and steel, or magnifying glass.


The fifth priority is food. This means finding and eating nutritious food to sustain your energy and health. Food can provide you with calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs to function properly.

To find and eat food, you need to identify and prepare edible plants and animals. Edible plants are any plants that can be eaten raw or cooked without causing harm or illness. They include fruits, nuts, seeds, roots, tubers, leaves, flowers, or mushrooms. Edible animals are any animals that can be hunted or trapped without endangering yourself or breaking the law. They include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, or insects.

The guide shows you how to recognize and avoid poisonous plants and animals using the universal edibility test and other indicators. It also shows you how to hunt and trap different types of animals using simple weapons and devices. It also shows you how to skin and gut animals and how to cook plants and animals using different methods.

First Aid

The sixth priority is first aid. This means treating common injuries and illnesses that can occur in a survival situation. Injuries and illnesses can impair your ability to survive and increase your risk of infection or complications. They can be caused by accidents, exposure to the elements, animal attacks or bites, or ingestion of contaminated food or water.

To treat injuries and illnesses, you need to have basic knowledge of first aid principles and procedures. You also need to have a first aid kit that contains essential items such as bandages, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, painkillers, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-diarrhea pills, anti-histamines, tweezers, scissors, needles, thread, safety pins, or duct tape.

The guide shows you how to assess your condition and prioritize your treatment using the ABCDE method (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure). It also shows you how to treat common injuries such as cuts, bruises, sprains, fractures, burns, or frostbite. It also shows you how to treat common illnesses such as dehydration, hypothermia, heatstroke, sunburn, food poisoning, or allergic reactions.

The Survival Kit

In addition to the six survival priorities, the guide also provides information on how to prepare a survival kit. A survival kit is a collection of items that can help you survive in an emergency situation. It should be compact, lightweight, waterproof, and easy to carry.

The guide suggests what items to pack in your survival kit based on your needs and preferences. Some of the recommended items are:

  • A knife

  • A fire starter

  • A water container

  • A water purifier

  • A signaling device

  • A navigation tool

  • A flashlight

  • A whistle

  • A compass

  • A map

  • A mirror

  • A cordage

  • A fishing kit

  • A sewing kit

  • A multi-tool

  • A duct tape

  • A plastic bag

  • A tarp

  • A blanket

  • A poncho

  • A hat

  • A gloves

  • A socks

  • A food bars

  • A first aid kit

The guide also shows you how to use the items in your survival kit for different purposes and situations. For example, you can use a knife to cut, carve, or pry; a fire starter to ignite a fire or signal for help; a water container to collect and store water; a water purifier to filter and disinfect water; a signaling device to attract attention or communicate; a navigation tool to find your way or orient yourself; a flashlight to illuminate or signal; a whistle to alert or scare; a compass to determine direction or location; a map to plan your route or identify landmarks; a mirror to reflect light or signal; a cordage to tie, lash, or weave; a fishing kit to catch fish or other aquatic animals; a sewing kit to mend, stitch, or suture; a multi-tool to perform various tasks or functions; a duct tape to repair, seal, or reinforce; a plastic bag to protect, store, or carry; a tarp to cover, shelter, or trap; a blanket to warm, comfort, or wrap; a poncho to wear, shield, or collect; a hat to protect, insulate, or disguise; a gloves to protect, grip, or handle; a socks to protect, cushion, or filter; a food bars to nourish, energize, or satisfy; and a first aid kit to heal, relieve, or prevent.

The Survival Skills

Finally, the guide also provides information on how to develop and practice some of the most important survival skills. Survival skills are any abilities that can help you survive in the wilderness. They include:

  • How to make a shelter

  • How to make a fire

  • How to make a trap

  • How to make a raft

  • How to make a compass

The guide shows you how to make each of these skills using simple and available materials and tools. It also shows you how to test and improve your skills using different scenarios and challenges. For example:

  • To make a shelter, you can use branches, leaves, grass, or rocks to build a lean-to, a tepee, a debris hut, or a snow cave.

  • To make a fire, you can use matches, lighters, flint and steel, or magnifying glass to ignite tinder, kindling, or fuel in a tepee, a lean-to, a log cabin, or a star fire.

  • To make a trap, you can use cordage, sticks, rocks, or cans to make a snare, a deadfall, a pitfall, or a fish trap.

  • To make a raft, you can use logs, bamboo, plastic bottles, or tires to make a platform, a catamaran, a pontoon, or a tire raft.

  • To make a compass, you can use a magnetized needle, a cork, a bowl of water, or an analog watch to make a floating compass, a shadow stick compass, or an analog watch compass.

The Survival Mindset

Besides the survival priorities, the survival kit, and the survival skills, the guide also emphasizes the importance of having the right survival mindset. The survival mindset is the mental attitude and emotional state that can help you survive in any situation. It includes:

  • How to stay calm and focused

  • How to overcome fear and panic

  • How to boost your morale and motivation

The guide shows you how to develop and maintain the survival mindset using various techniques and strategies. For example:

  • To stay calm and focused, you can use breathing exercises, meditation techniques, or positive affirmations to relax your body and mind and clear your thoughts.

  • To overcome fear and panic you can use rational thinking problem-solving skills or mental rehearsal to identify and analyze your fears and find solutions and prepare yourself.

  • To boost your morale and motivation you can use humor music or personal items to lighten your mood and inspire yourself and remind yourself of your goals and reasons.


In conclusion, the Bear Grylls Priorities of Survival Pocket Guide PDF is an invaluable resource for anyone who loves outdoor adventures or wants to learn how to survive in the wilderness. It covers everything you need to know about the six survival priorities: protection, rescue, water, fire, food, and first aid. It also provides information on how to prepare a survival kit, how to develop and practice survival skills, and how to have the right survival mindset.

```html FAQs

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Bear Grylls Priorities of Survival Pocket Guide PDF:

  • Where can I download the PDF for free?

You can download the PDF for free from this link: You can also scan the QR code on the back cover of the printed booklet that comes with every Bear Grylls knife.

  • Who is Bear Grylls and why should I trust his advice?

Bear Grylls is a former British Special Forces soldier, an adventurer, a TV host, and a bestselling author. He has survived in some of the most extreme environments and situations around the world, such as climbing Mount Everest, crossing the Arctic Ocean, or escaping from a desert island. He has also trained and taught many people how to survive in the wilderness, such as celebrities, scouts, or military personnel. He is widely recognized as one of the leading experts and authorities on survival.

  • What are the benefits of reading the guide?

Reading the guide can help you prepare for your next outdoor adventure or emergency situation. It can teach you how to protect yourself from the elements, how to get rescued, how to find and purify water, how to start and maintain a fire, how to find and eat food, and how to treat injuries and illnesses. It can also help you develop and practice essential survival skills and have the right survival mindset. It can also inspire you to challenge yourself and explore new places.

  • How can I use the guide effectively?

You can use the guide effectively by reading it before you go on your outdoor adventure or emergency situation. You can also review it regularly and refresh your memory. You can also practice the techniques and skills that are described in the guide and test yourself in different scenarios and challenges. You can also share it with your friends and family and learn together.

  • What if I have more questions or feedback about the guide?

If you have more questions or feedback about the guide, you can contact Gerber Gear, the company that produces the Bear Grylls knives and the guide. You can visit their website at, call them at 1-800-950-6161, or email them at You can also follow them on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube.



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